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Example Itineraries for Visiting the Japan Heritage Sites in Kamakura

Demonstration Course List


Demonstration Course 1: Samurai


◆Visit the historic sites of the Kamakura Shogunate,where the samurai once thrived

A great revolution in Japanese history:The birth of the samurai-led government.

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Demonstration Course 2: Zen


◆Touch the heart of “Zen” rooted in Japan from Kamakura

Matching the spirit of the samurai, the first Zen boom in Japan arrived in Kamakura. 

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Demonstration Course 3: Villa


◆Tour residences and old shops that convey the villa culture today

In a place often said to be the most beautiful in Japan, the villa culture blossomed. 

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Demonstration Course 4: Literati


◆Trace the footsteps of “Literary Giants”  who were active in Kamakura

The first step in the revival of literature began in Kamakura, where literary masters gathered.

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