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Demonstration Course 2: Zen


Touch the heart of “Zen” rooted in Japan from Kamakura

Matching the spirit of the samurai,the first Zen boom in Japan arrived in Kamakura.

【Point 1】

Kenchoji Temple, Japan’s first Zen dojo, was established, with over 1,000 monks training at one point.

Widely practiced Zen Buddhism in Japan began in Kamakura. The teachings of attaining enlightenment through zazen (seated meditation) and koans (Zen riddles) was deeply connected with the samurai spirit of mastering martial arts through discipline. Zen Buddhism developed under the protection of the Kamakura shogunate due to this factor.

【Point 2】

The Zen tradition, originating in China, brought with it the culture of tea and fine arts and crafts.

The development of Zen Buddhism influenced Japanese culture and arts. Zen monk Myouan Eisai (Yousai) introduced tea to Japan, and the Zen temples in Kamakura feature Song Dynasty-style architecture and sculptures on religious artifacts, preserving their beauty to this day.


Course 2:Touch the heart of “Zen” rooted in Japan from Kamakura

START  Kita-Kamakura Station

 Kenchoji Temple

Meigetsuin Temple

 Jochiji Temple​

GOAL Engakuji Temple

*Travel time is an estimate.

START Kita-Kamakura Station


Detailed information

501 Yamanouchi, Kamakura-shi​Open Google Maps<外部リンク>


15 mins Walk


❶ Kenchoji Temple


The first temple in Japan to call itself a “Zen temple.” The main buildings, including the main gate and Buddha Hall, arranged in a straight line in the Chinese style, are magnificent.

Detailed information

8 Yamanouchi, Kamakura City(Open Google Maps<外部リンク>)​

Opening Hours  8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. *Admission fee required.


15 mins Walk


❷ Meigetsuin Temple


A sub-temple of Zenkoji, now in ruins. Open only during the seasons of irises and autumn leaves, the rear garden viewed through a round window is like a painting.

Detailed information

189 Yamanouchi, Kamakura City​​Open Google Maps​<外部リンク>

Opening hours

9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.(The schedule may change during the hydrangea season in June.)*Admission fee required.


6 mins walk


❸ Jochiji Temple


A Zen temple founded in 1281. The sammon gate, which also serves as a bell tower, and the main hall exhibit the Chinese style known as “Song style.”

Detailed information
Address 1402 Yamanouchi, Kamakura City(Open Google Maps<外部リンク>)​
Opening hours

9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. *Admission fee required.


6 mins walk


GOAL Engakuji Temple


Founded by Chinese monk Mugaku Sogen, it is a temple where many samurai, including Hojo Tokimune, practiced Zen. The Shariden* (reliquary hall), considered the finest example of Zen architecture, is must-see.

* The Shariden is open to the public only a few times a year.

Detailed information

409 Yamanouchi, Kamakura CityOpen Google Maps​<外部リンク>

Opening hours

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.(From December to February: 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.)*Admission fee required.


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