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Kanagawa SGG Club (KSGG)


This is a volunteer club that provides Japanese language support, interpretation, tourist information, and introductions to Japanese culture to foreigners visiting or staying in Kanagawa Prefecture. To request tourist information for foreigners, please select the course you would like on the official website and apply by email. The guide fee is free, but the guest will be responsible for the actual cost of transportation, mountain climbing fees, and lunch (if lunch is included).

Inquiry email ksgg_guide@yahoo.co.jp
Official website https://volunteerguide-ksgg.jp/<外部リンク>


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PDF形式のファイルをご覧いただく場合には、Adobe社が提供するAdobe Readerが必要です。
Adobe Readerをお持ちでない方は、バナーのリンク先からダウンロードしてください。(無料)