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Remains of Yofukuji Temple


Site of a Two-story Main Hall and Large Pond

In the 1189 Oshu (Tohoku) Region Wars, Minamoto no Yoritomo won an overwhelming victory against Fujiwara no Yasuhira, and cemented the hegemony of the samurai government in Eastern Japan. During the campaign, Yoritomo was so impressed by the two-story Nikaidaido Daichojuin at Chusonji Temple in Hiraizumi in NorthEast Japan that he built a copy called Yofukuji Temple in Kamakura. The area around it came to be known as the Nikaido (literally meaning a "two-story hall"). Based on archeological investigations, a part of the temple has been recreated and visitors can see the layout of the temple buildings, garden and pond.


209 Nikaido, Kamakura City


0467-61-3857 (Kamakura City Cultural Properties Division)

Admission hours

Opening hours
April-October: 9:00am-5:00pm
November-March: 9:00am-4:30pm
*If a warning or advisory for heavy rain, flooding, or heavy snow is in effect as of 7:00am, the gardens will be closed for the entire day. (Including warnings from the previous day)
*If a warning or advisory is issued during opening hours, the gardens will be closed for the entire day from that point on.


Take the bus bound for Daitomiya from bus stop number 5 at the east exit of JR Kamakura Station and get off at the last stop, "Daitomiya." About a 5-minute walk.


No fixed holidays

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